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Biarritz: More than just a fashionable seaside resort

Biarritz: More than just a fashionable seaside resort

Home » France » Biarritz: More than just a fashionable seaside resort

Biarritz is a fashionable seaside resort in the far southwest of France. During the summer season, you’ll see an unusual combination of holidaymakers in the town. There are beachgoers staying in chic Art Deco hotels. On the other hand, surfers from all over Europe come here. Don’t be surprised if you see a surfer walking barefoot with a surfboard on their head in a shopping street. It’s a super lively town with a great atmosphere. Therefore, Biarritz has much more to offer than just the beach. It’s an ideal destination for a city break.

Small house

History of Biarritz

Biarritz was a prosperous town long ago. In the Middle Ages, whaling brought great wealth. Gradually, the whales moved away from the Bay of Biscay. This caused the whaling industry to collapse. The many Napoleonic wars didn’t do the town any good either. A devastating storm led to further decline of the town.

But in the 19th century, Biarritz was discovered as a seaside resort. Napoleon and Victor Hugo liked to come here. Empress Eugénie, wife of Napoleon III, chose Biarritz as her holiday destination. This made the town the seaside resort for European nobility. This led to another great period of prosperity for the town.

And in the middle of the last century, surfers discovered Biarritz. The many waves and beaches became a huge attraction for the international surfing scene. To this day, many sports enthusiasts come here to “ride the waves”.


Things to do in Biarritz

These are the most enjoyable things you must do in Biarritz:


In the north of Biarritz lies the town’s lighthouse. On the rocky slopes of Pointe Saint-Martin, it has been the beacon for boats at sea for a century and a half. The lighthouse is almost 50 metres high. You can enjoy a fantastic view from the top. You do have to climb 250 steps. But it’s absolutely worth the effort. The entire bay of Biarritz is literally at your feet.


Visit the Market Halls

Every morning, the Market Halls are the scene of a busy covered market. You’ll find many fresh products here. All local specialities are well represented. In and around the halls, you can enjoy all these delicacies. There are plenty of terraces.

Be sure to go upstairs in the market halls. This gives you a nice overview of all the activity. We saw a man indulging in a plate full of oysters early in the morning. With a bottle of white wine, he had a delicious breakfast.

Market hall

The beaches of Biarritz

Biarritz has several beautiful beaches. Even if you’re not a beach lover, it’s still nice to take a look at the various beaches and small coves. Especially at the beginning or end of the day, the town’s inhabitants go for a swim. They do this mainly at the small beach near the old fishing harbour.

Biarritz has many beaches. The northernmost beach is Plage Miramar. This seamlessly transitions into Grande Plage near the Casino. Near the old fishing harbour lies the charming Plage Port Vieux. An intimate beach in a beautiful bay. Due to its sheltered location, the waves are not so high here. For us, this was the nicest beach in Biarritz. After that, in the southern part of the town, lie the extensive beaches of Plage Côte du Basque, Plage Marbella and Plage de la Milady. Especially the beaches on the north side of the town are easily accessible from the centre.


Visit the Rock of the Virgin Mary

Besides the famous lighthouse, the white statue of the Virgin Mary is iconic for Biarritz. It stands on the Rocher de la Vierge, a rocky point that you reach by a large footbridge. Sailors placed the statue on the rock in 1865. It was meant to protect the sailors from shipwreck.

There is an observation platform near the rock. From here, you have a fantastic view of the old fishing harbour. In the evening, people mainly come to see the sun set in the Bay of Biscay. The rock is located in a place where the sea can be turbulent. So don’t be alarmed by a splash of water.



The nicest shops in Biarritz are on Rue Mazagran. All kinds of vintage shops, second-hand shops and shops with the latest fashion are on this street. Another important shopping street is Rue de Port-Vieux. This is an extension of Rue Mazagran. Of course, there are also cosy tapas bars or cafés along these streets. Lovely for relaxing.

Beach walk to Bidart

Do you fancy a long beach walk? Then walk from Plage Côte du Basque all the way to Bidart. Over the beach, that’s about three kilometres. Along the way, you pass the beaches that are the domain of surfers. As you go south, the beaches become increasingly empty. Except for many rocks and the occasional other beachgoer, you hardly meet anyone here.

Tip: the tides are important when you make this walk. Because at high tide, some parts of the small beaches are completely submerged. Then you can’t go anywhere. Tricky if you still have to walk back from Bidart!

Beach walk

Sights in Biarritz

These are the sights you don’t want to miss in Biarritz:

Sainte-Eugénie church

The most beautiful church in Biarritz is located on the charming Sainte Eugénie square. The Sainte Eugénie church is a stylish 19th-century Gothic-style building. The exterior of the church is particularly beautiful. Inside, the beautiful stained-glass windows are especially striking. But something else unusual that we had never seen in a church before: there’s a surfboard!


Musée de la Mer (Aquarium)

The Musée de la Mer tells the story of whaling, among other things. More recent fishing history is also covered. Additionally, the large aquarium is the place to admire various fish and other sea creatures.

Viewing classical villas

Biarritz boasts beautiful villas. Most were built in the 19th century. You can admire all styles here. But they have one thing in common: they exude grandeur. The most famous is Villa Eugénie. Built for Emperor Napoleon III and Empress Eugénie in 1855. Now it’s a splendid five-star hotel. If you can afford it, dine at the hotel. From the restaurant, you have an unparalleled view over the Atlantic Ocean.

We find Villa Belza the most beautiful, especially due to its location. Just south of Port Vieux beach, the villa towers high above its surroundings. The magnificent building stands on a rocky point.

Villa Belza

Russian Orthodox church

You wouldn’t expect it in southwest France, but there’s a genuine Russian church. In the 19th century, Russian aristocracy frequently visited Biarritz. For them, the town was the ultimate seaside resort. Therefore, the Russian Orthodox church was built for all these visitors. You can also view the church’s interior from 3 pm.

Old fishing port

The Port de Pêcheurs is Biarritz’s old fishing port. Along the quay stand charming fishermen’s cottages. They’re not large, but they are lovely. Some are reportedly still inhabited. At low tide, many boats lie dry in the harbour. Often, old fishermen sit beside them mending their nets. There’s a truly authentic atmosphere here.

In the evening especially, the old fishing port is a popular spot. People dine on the many terraces by the waterside. Do expect it to be a tourist attraction during high season.


Surroundings of Biarritz

If you have more time to explore the surroundings, you could visit nearby Bayonne, for example. Along the river, you’ll see beautiful houses in Basque style. Hikers can indulge themselves in the Pyrenees.

Just across the Spanish border lies San Sebastian. A delightful city to visit. You can also combine it with Bilbao. Another pleasant city in Spanish Basque Country.

North of Biarritz, it’s attractive to visit Bassin d’Arcachon with Europe’s highest dunes. A bit further north lies the important wine city of Bordeaux. So you can thoroughly enjoy yourself in the surroundings of Biarritz.

Pyrenean area

Practical information for your visit to Biarritz

With our tips, you can optimally prepare for your city trip to Biarritz:
Where is Biarritz located?

Biarritz is a city in southwestern France. It's situated on the Atlantic coast in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department, in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. The city is close to the Spanish Basque Country border, about 35 kilometres from the Spanish border.


Biarritz is known for its beautiful beaches, surf culture and luxury resorts. It's a popular seaside resort beloved by both tourists and surfers for its beautiful coastline and good waves.

What Are the Best Restaurants in Biarritz?

In Biarritz, you'll find many restaurants. From small, trendy spots where surfers come, to large, luxurious restaurants in hotels. There's plenty of choice around the Market Halls. In the evening, the streets are almost completely occupied by the overcrowded terraces of these restaurants. There's a lively atmosphere here. If you don't eat there, certainly end the day on the terrace with a drink.


One of the absolute top restaurants in the city is Chez Scott. Everyone who eats here praises the quality and presentation.


TXango is a small and intimate restaurant, but the kitchen brigade's performances are grand. Delicious food.

Where Can I Stay in Biarritz?

You can stay in Biarritz in the most luxurious hotels in beautiful Art Deco buildings. What about the fantastic Le Regina, for example? But of course, there's a hefty price tag attached. Biarritz is a popular destination, by the way. Therefore, book your accommodation well in advance.


Here are some hotels that are certainly worth considering:

  • Hotel Saint Julien. This hotel with atmospheric rooms is housed in a 19th-century mansion. It's within walking distance of the centre. Guests consistently give this hotel excellent reviews.
  • Hôtel Le Saphir. Near the old fishing port lies this charming hotel. The beaches are nearby, as are the main attractions. The hotel staff is hospitable and service-oriented.
  • Best Western Kemaris. In a traditional Basque building lies this excellent hotel in a quiet neighbourhood. Yet all attractions are easily accessible.

This is the total range of accommodations in Biarritz.