When you stay in Cuzco, you’ll see offers of a day trip to Rainbow Mountain everywhere in the streets. The pictures that the desks show all seem fake, as if someone has been working with Photoshop. However, in reality, Rainbow Mountain really looks like a rainbow, with all different colours. The mountain range is millions of years old and the various rocks and minerals have created beautiful colour differences. It is magical to see with one’s own eyes but you have to have a big climb of about three hours to get there!
The earlier you leave Cuzco, the better it is. You can then get a little ahead of the hustle and bustle because many people visit the mountain every day. At 3 o’clock in the morning we were ready to leave for a bus ride of about 3.5 hours. You arrive at a small village, where you get a simple breakfast. For those with a big appetite: take enough snacks with you because the climb takes a lot of energy. That’s why we always have energy gels in our daypack.
After you’ve warmed up by the wood fire (it can be very cold on the mountain), the climb starts. You start from an altitude of about 4,200 metres. The path slowly winds up and the landscape changes very quickly. On the way, you see llamas, alpacas and vicunas grazing everywhere. During the 5 km long hike, you climb over 800 metres in altitude. Because of the altitude (this is our highest point we ever reached) the air is thin and it is wise to take a breath after every 10 minutes’ walking. Altitude sickness is something to take seriously into account. Most people take about 3 hours for the climb. It is important that you listen to your body and do not try to go too fast. You can also rent a donkey or horse that is regularly offered to you on the way by the locals.
We walked the whole way ourselves and after about 2 hours were up at Rainbow Mountain, or Cerro Vinicunca, as the mountain is officially called. You have plenty of time there to take many pictures and climb a bit further to a beautiful vantage point. As it had snowed that night, almost the whole mountain was white. Because of the bright sun, part of the mountain thawed very quickly. The other side remained snowy longer, providing a very special aspect. When we started the descent, the whole mountain was almost snow-free. After about two hours, you start the descent, which is on the same route. When everyone is back at the bus, you drive back to Cuzco and you get lunch somewhere in the meantime.